
Greensboro Day School Launches Worldwide Online Model for Students in Grades 7-12

Greensboro Day School announced on Thursday that its 2020-2021 school year will offer online enrollment open to students around the globe – GDS Online. The online comprehensive college preparatory academic program is available for qualified students in grades 7-12. The program can be taken as a full-time student, as a part-time student seeking to supplement a current program of study or a single course. More information can be found here.

The launch of GDS Online is made possible by the school’s recent acquisition of iPads and Swivl devices that will allow teachers to seamlessly stream classes and include classroom interactions. The Swivl device acts as a dock for the iPad, following the speaker around the room, and uploading recordings to the web. Faculty will begin Swivl training this summer.

“Outside of the recent COVID - 19 interruption to on campus-learning, we recognize a great demand for online courses,” said Head of School Tracie Catlett. “This new program allows GDS to greatly broaden its reach particularly to rural communities in the greater Greensboro area. Students outside of North Carolina and the United States can apply for admission to GDS Online too. Naturally, GDS Online means that we will be fully prepared should a resurgence of COVID-19 occur this fall. GDS is celebrating 50 years since its founding. Our relative youth is best demonstrated by the cutting-edge nature of this program and our response to COVID-19 pandemic that began in March.”

Find more information, including how to apply and to access the GDS Online handbook, visit https://www.greensboroday.org/academics/gds-online
Greensboro Day School develops the intellectual, ethical, and interpersonal foundations students need to become constructive contributors to the world.